Saturday, May 15, 2010

Auction Update...The End is Near.

The "Do the Write Thing for Nashville" auction is almost over. The last round goes up today, and it will last until Monday at midnight. We'll also have a closing message, and t-shirts for anyone who wants to make a small donation.

But man, it's been (and still is) a WILD ride. It's been a dream, and a roller coaster, and pretty much two weeks of bouncing up and down upon receiving emails from the likes of Lisa McMann, Meg (freaking) Cabot, Sherrilyn Kenyon, and so many more. More than 200, actually, if you consider only the items we were able to use, and almost 500 if you consider ALL of them.

It's also been two weeks of chugging diet coke, of not sleeping, of very long hours, a few neglected edits (I'm so sorry, Abby, I'm working on them!!!), and so on. But for every small down, there have been a dozen ups, and the fact is, no amount of fatigue will ever weigh down the SHEER JOY I have at being able to organize this with Myra and Amanda.

Somehow our small dream of raising a few thousand dollars exploded. At this moment we stand at $60,000 and that's with three rounds left to close.

We managed to find our way into GalleyCat, Publisher's Weekly, and about 8 straight pages of google when you search "do the write thing for Nashville". We continue to be shocked and humbled by our publishing community and the incredible support, through donation, bidding, and CHEERING. We could not have done this without our cheerleaders.

To all of you, thank you so, so, so much. And with that, we are HONORED to bring you the final round of the "Do the Write Thing for Nashville" auction (And my editor is in this round!).

It's been an absolute pleasure hosting this.


  1. AMEN!.

    it's fantastic that everyone is so passionate and are giving themselves over like this. balances out the bad a little :).

    well done miss v. and co :)

  2. Thank you for all of your hard work! You have done an amazing job!

    I wasn't able to bid (no job=no money) but I loved reading about the items offered and the great comments/bids people made! Great work!!

  3. Thank you so much girls. We really have been humbled and awed by the support.
