First of all, thanks everyone for making my website launch so wonderful!
So, in case you didn't know, I'm going to New York this week! I leave on Wednesday, and I'll be there for a whole week. I am VERY excited.
So far my schedule includes...
1. High tea at Lady Mendl's
2. Cupcake party
3. The Strand, MoMa, and other appropriately touristy yet fun things
5. Kidlit drinks
6. Blueboarders dinner party
7. Cupcakes (yes, again!) with my awesome agent, Amy, her fiancée, and another one of her authors, Marci.
8. Hot chocolate (see a sugary theme?) with ZOMG MY EDITOR AND MY AGENT. Together.
9. West Side Story on Broadway with the mother (she's flying up to play for a couple days)
Sound like an expedition MADE OF AWESOME?
So anyway, now I'm just chipping away at my most recent edits, packing wayyyy too many shoes, and waiting for Wednesday :)
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You are going to have so much fun!! Enjoy it. And take pictures. And videos. And then share. :)